Assisting people with disabilities with their mobility needs.

From walkers and wheelchairs, to driving, we help people find solutions to their mobility issues.

At Williams Occupational Therapy, we understand that people with disabilities can experience difficulties getting from A to B, resulting in isolation and dependence on others. That’s why at Williams OT we have focussed our attention on helping people with their mobility needs.

We will work with you to find the right solution to increase your freedom and meet your individual mobility goals.

Finding the Right Solutions for You

Let’s Set a Clear Direction for You


Complete the Referral Form so we can get to know you before you even arrive and get on our wait list.


Complete a comprehensive initial assessment so we can tailor a plan specific to your needs.


Work with your team member to get a tailored individualised solution.

Experience Less Dependence and More Independence

Experience the independence others take for granted and stop suffering:

  • isolation and dependence on others
  • safety concerns
  • pain or discomfort issues
  • functional issues with the wrong equipment
  • access issues in and around your environment or to and from the places you need to be
  • difficulties getting access to the right knowledge and training strategies for your mobility requirements

At Williams OT, we believe people with disabilities have the same right to be as free and as mobile as the rest of society.

Whether it is:

  • Getting out of bed and into the bathroom or kitchen
  • getting to the shops
  • accessing work
  • going for a Sunday drive
  • picking the kids up from school
  • or going on that holiday you’ve always dreamed of

We get it, and that’s why we have dedicated ourselves to this area of practice, and why Universities and other services seek our expertise and advice.

Williams OT has been doing this since 2011, which is longer than the NDIS has been around, and we have helped thousands of people with disabilities enjoy a life with more freedom. Our team have the experience and knowledge and has a plan to help find the solutions, get the funding you require, and implement tailored outcomes to meet your needs.

We are committed to assisting people to gain, regain, or maintain independence through driving, community mobility solutions, and assistive technology.


Ask us how we can help you.